Rolf Martin Lang LLP recognizes that a health care provider’s lifeblood is its dedicated staff, and that a complaint before a licensing board can profoundly impact not only a health professional’s career, but also the ability of his/her employer to provide care.

Our clients recognize the importance of having knowledgeable counsel with experience in the unique health care environment to assist health care professionals navigate and defend themselves during a challenge by their licensing board.

To meet this important need, we provide assistance to nurses, nursing facility administrators, PT/OT/SLP, physicians, psychologists, and other health care professionals with a variety of matters, including negligence, prescribing and diversion issues, impaired professionals, and other regulatory issues. We also represent Certified Nursing Assistants who are at risk of being flagged on a State Registry.

We provide counsel during the investigation process, responding to formal complaints and all phases of any appeal process.