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eAdmit is an electronic admission software designed specifically for the long term, transitional care and senior living industry. It is the future of admissions.

eAdmitFor years we have been telling clients that a lot of the traditional pain points in their admissions and residency processes could be solved by automating those processes. And, we kept waiting for someone to build a cloud-based admissions software platform specifically for long-term care. But no one did it. So, we did it ourselves.

We built eAdmit specifically for long-term care admissions. It is designed to streamline the admission process and make it less painful from both the customer and the facility standpoint.

The resident and family have their own unique login to your branded admissions platform. This allows them to complete the process anywhere, any time, and on any device. The system sends auto-reminders for items that are missing – so that you can ensure that all admissions are complete. Every single time.

On the facility side, a personalized dashboard tracks every admission through every stage. Admissions are color-coded to identify where each individual is in the process. The platform – and not your staff – helps to navigate families through the documents. This saves valuable staff time and allows you to admit multiple people at once. eAdmit also integrates with PCC and other EHR systems, making your admission agreements easy to find in the medical record.

eAdmit can help you to finally comply with the law requiring documents to be signed “at or before” admission. Organizations currently using eAdmit have saved up to 70% of allocated FTEs and redeployed that staff to other uses (e.g., marketing).

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