Litigation / ArbitrationNews The SNF Arbitration Implementation Packet ROLF has created The SNF Arbitration Implementation Packet to address each RoP requirement and to…Rolf LawFebruary 18, 2020
Labor & Employment Supreme Court Upholds Arbitration Agreements Barring Class Actions by Employees Post-acute care and senior living employers should consider the use of arbitration agreements that specifically…Rolf LawMay 25, 2018
Litigation / ArbitrationSurvey & Enforcement CMS Confirms: SNFs May Use Pre-Dispute Arbitration as Long as Injunction In Place SNFs may use pre-dispute arbitration as long as Federal injunction is in place, CMS confirms.Rolf Health LawJanuary 7, 2017
General OperationalLitigation / Arbitration Senior Housing News Quotes Martin on Arbitration Aric Martin was quoted in Senior Housing News regarding the government’s attempt to ban pre-arbitration agreements…Rolf Health LawNovember 15, 2015